Experimental research of probability of emotional intelligence development

E. A. Hlevnaya,

PhD in economics, associate professor, chair of economics and organization of inDustrial production, department of engineering and economics, Russian University Of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov,

V. A. Shtroh,

PhD in Psychology, professor, head of chair of organizational psychology, departMent of psychology, National Research University “Higher school of economics”, Head of research laboratory “Business psychology

T. S. Kiseleva,

General director, LLC “International center “Consulting. Training. Coaching”,

The contribution discusses the problem of emotional intelligence development and its solution in the course of empirical research on the basis of experimental design. The conceptual basis of the research – the theoretical model of emotional intelligence structure of J. Mayer, P. Salovey and D. Caruso. The hypothesis of the research was the assumption of probability of emotional intelligence development in the course of purposeful educational interaction in the form of social-psychological training on the basis of a specially developed program. The sample group consisted of two goups – experimental (its participants studied for half a year) and control – 68 persons in each one. Three parallel assessments were made in each group, using the MSCEIT V2.0 test which was approbated on a Russian sample group – before the beginning of education, immediately after the training and 6 months after. The results showed a significant difference between the groups on the second and third assessments in the general level of emotional intelligence and in three of its four components (branches) – “identification of emotions”, “use of emotions in problem solving” and “conscious management of emotions” – in favor of the experimental group. Furthermore, the effect of growth of indices in different aspects of emotional intelligence in the experimental group had a stable nature and remained roughly at the same level in term of 6 months after the end of the training. In general the results were comparable both with Russian and foreign researches which were carried out in this field during the last 10 years.

Keywords: Experiment, intelligence, emotions, emotional intelligence, cognitive abilities, MSCEIT V2.0 test


Электронный журнал «Психологическая наука и образование»

Www. psyedu. ru / ISSN: 2074-5885 / E-mail: 2012, №3


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Электронный журнал «Психологическая наука и образование»

Www. psyedu. ru / ISSN: 2074-5885 / E-mail: 2012, №3